Monday, October 29, 2012

Heya Jammers! Sorry about the late post... But, today is Rare Item Monday! Today's rare item is the clover blanket!
Be sure to pick yours up today! So, there is one new item in Jamaa's shops, the Phantom Cannon!

Until the next update, 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Heya Jammers! Today I got my Arctic Wolf!

Now, there is one new item, the witch mask, up for sale in Jamma Clothing,

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Heya Jammers! Today, dens are going on clearance! The Ol' Barn den and Water Park den are going on sale!

Get these dens before they're gone! Two new items have popped up in the assorted Jamma stores. The Spider Mask, and the Airplane Wings!

Well, that's all Jammers, HAPPY JAMMIN'!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Heya Jammers! Today, many odd things happened... Iv'e had four people walk up to me and say "I like you"      I just don't understand why that happens so much... Then I have to tell them i'm taken... Well here are the new items!

350 gems
200 gems

So, be sure to check out the other sections of my blog! Also tell your friends about this blog! Until next time, 
Happy Jammin'
Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Heya Jammers! Today I log on and I see this! Greely and some Phantoms!

The New Homepage, and they announce in the Jamma Journal, that a dolphin racing game has been announced, but only for members. :( They also announced that one of the animals is going to be avaliable for ALL jammers! It could possibly be the answer to this puzzle in the Jamma Journal  SPOILER ALERT!

Sadly, Night Of The Phantoms is coming to an end... Be sure to pick up all your favorite stuff before they're gone! Just for anyone who doesnt know where to get the New AJ gift card, get it at select walmart stores!
Ithink that all these updates are awesome. The new items are...


Oh and im down to lets see... YIKES 85 BUDDIES!!! Well please buddy me! I must get slots full! So, that's all...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Heya Jammers! Today there were some new items, even though they were ALL underwater... Well, Here they are!

 Coral Tombstone, 350
 Neck Bolts, 300
Phantom Lights, 250
 Scary Barrel Sponge, 300
Halo, 300

So, I now have a "coals" list, be sure to join it! Also, feel free to buddy me on AJ, just might not have any slots... Well,
  Keep on Jammin'

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Heya Jammers! Today, at the Haunted Forest Party, I discovered that eyeball hats are back! Also extremely cheap!

There are also new wallpapers and floorings for sale, such as the bat wallpaper and the spiderweb flooring.

Until next time, HAPPY JAMMIN'

Monday, October 22, 2012

Heya Jammers, i just wanted to make this update. I supposedly went in to an empty server! The WHOLE server was empty... I felt sooooooo alone...

Well, I'm happy to support people who need to be adopted, so i am having a occasional adoption center! Anyone can come, but I really would like for the jammer named "mages12" to stay away, as he supposedly dislikes me... Feel free to comment! Well, Happy Jammin'

Heya Jammers, I'm so HOPPING MAD right now!!! Rare item
monday is back and today it's... HEADRESSES!!!

I now think my headdress is worthless... Well, we will find out soon enough... I will post links to other blogs, but be sure to post a link here too! Happy Jammin'

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Heya Jammers! Sorry about the post yesterday... Blogger wouldn't log me in... Well, I'll just do a double update!


Heya Jammers! Today Epic Wonders has an odd new item, the Phantom Mask!

Please tell your AJ friends about my blog! Also, be sure to check put my other link on this site, to my AJ picture line section. Well... Happy Jammin'


Heya Jammers! AJ just loves to update it seems... As well as the new items in Mt. Shiveer , the two new pumpkin masks,

I saw an Arctic Wolf for the first time on AJ! I'm getting one soon! Well, Tell your AJ friends about my blog, until next time, Happy Jammin'!


Again, my apologies for missing the update... 

Happy Jammin'!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Heya Jammers! Today we have a new clothing AND den item, The Ghosts, and The Halo.

Ghosts (sorry this was here on 10-16-12)

I have many other things I would like to put on the site, but i would like you to put what you think that I need to put on the site, in the comments section. Happy Jammin'

Monday, October 15, 2012

Heya Jammers! Rare item monday is back again! Todays "rare" item is the "Head Feather!"

Hoping that AJHQ updates again soon. If you have any ideas for the next AJ update, leave em in the comments section! Happy Jammin'!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Heya Jammers, well there's nothing new today, sorry i didn't update yesterday i was SOOO busy....
Well I guess there's really nothing else to say but, if anybody has any suggestions just leave them in the comments section below! Until next time, Happy Jammin'

Friday, October 12, 2012

Heya Jammers! Today there are two new items in the MAIN shops, in Jam Mart Clothing there was a Hockey Mask,

and in Jam Mart Furniture there was a Bat Tombstone,

I seem to spend all my time in Sky High now, why i do is because if you can reach the top you get a prize, sometimes they can be super rare, but all I have won is a lollipop and a moon necklace, and horned leg pads....
List what you've won in the comments section! 
Until next time..... Happy Jammin'

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Heya Jammers! Today Animal Jam updated a TON, a new den, area, game, clothes, its awesome. So they just added the "Phantom Vortex", the new area.

Next they have the new game in there (all from last year). The new den "The Haunted Mansion", is up for sale. they now have the Mummy Mask for sale,

And finally, they now have the candy bowl up for sale,

Well thats all jammers, (I might have missed something), until next time, Happy Jammin'

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Heya Jammers, Today there was a surprising new item in "Epic Wonders"! For 2,000 gems, you can now buy a "Spooky Tree."

Oddly enough, I have 2 buddy slots open, so I'm open to buddy requests!
Until tomorrow's post, Happy Jammin'

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Heya Jammers, Today there was a new item in "Sunken Treasures", the Clam Shell Chair!

I wish that there were more new items, but Animal Jam HQ will update soon (I hope). Well, until then, this is powellland AKA sunlost signing off.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Heya Jammers, Wow, nothing new today.... Well here's a Animal Jam picture line instead,

 Me: Ummm, Enchanted, I think he's frozen....
Enchanted: Nonsense!!!
Me: You can stand there for HOURS but he's not going to answer!!!
Frozen Animal: HEY, KEEP IT DOWN!!!!!
 Me: Wow!

Well I hope you enjoyed this.... Check out more of these in the "Animal Jam Funny Picture" section!
Well, this is Powellland AKA sunlost signing off...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hiya Jammers, today there was another new item but in an unexpected place. In "Bahari Bargains" ,there is the new "Skeleton Suit"

Well sadly, there's nothing else new, but before you rumble off to Animal Jam, be sure to check out the Animal Jam picture section! Well I guess this is sunlost AKA powellland signing off. Jam ON. :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Heya Jammers, Today there's ANOTHER new item, the Phantom Hat!

There's not really anything else that's new in Animal Jam, besides the Daisies in "Treetop Gardens."
If anybody has any new ideas for the site post them in the comments section!
Well there's nothing else new to report, so.... I guess this is powellland AKA sunlost signing off. :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.... Blogger hasn't been working on my computer.... Well anyway, Night of the Phantoms is almost here! There will be new clothing, den items, and maybe even a super-rare item in the stores! I'm hoping there will be free stuff! Well for now there are just a couple new items such as, the Vampire mask, Creature mask, Bat mask, Butterfly glasses, and Leg armor.

So, this is powellland AKA sunlost signing off.